So in my last post, i was complaining about me getting my haunted ukulele returned to me on ebay. No matter what I try to do, I cannot get this damn thing out of my life. What started out as an innocent attempt to play some ukulele songs has turned into a damn nightmare.
So I get this thing back in the mail and i remember looking out the window and the mailman coming up the block. He was actually whistling. He was happy and my heart filled with dread. It actually looked like he was walking up the block in slow motion. It was sickening.
Let me go back for a second. When I sent this ukulele to the lucky ebay winner, I immediately went online to take a tutorial on how to buy a ukulele. You know, what to look for, which ones are good. And I actually found one and ordered it. It came a coupl of days later via Amazon Prime.
I was a little scared because of the crazy experience I had with my previous ukulele but I didn't let that stop me. I went online and found a lesson with the Riptide ukulele chords. I was actually getting pretty good at it.. When I have it down, I will post a video of me playing it.
So now, I have the old ukulele back and I haven't even opened the box. I am trying really hard to ignore it. But my mind keeps wandering to it. I don't know what to expect. I have this sick feeling in my stomach. I will let you know if anything happens with it..