Ok, now I hve totally had it.. The ukulele is gone. Yes.. GONE! Remember last post I had this guy read my blog and said he thought it was cool to have a haunted uke? I seems he likes to collect haunted objects. Well I told him that I would sell it to him gladly.. And of course.. I can't find it. It vanished.
How I noticed this was, I was on my new uke. The one I bought on Amazon. I was learning the Here Comes The Sub chords when I thought, this would sound really good on the old ukulele. I searched everywhere and I can't find it. It is as if it knows that I finally found a new home for it.
So the dude keeps on calling me and leaving messages but I don't know what to say to him. I've looked for three days no and nothing. Nowhere to be found. Maybe if I talk to it.. Maybe if I tell it that it can stay.. But thing is I don;t want it to stay. I want it the hell out of my house and my life..
Any suggestions on what I should do?