Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I'm wondering if the ukulele knows. It's been really quiet the last few days. The calm before the storm? Maybe. Maybe it knows that I will ship it off if it acts up again. Maybe it is trying really hard to behave itself.

All I know is that there hasn't been any strange occurrences since the mailman dropped it off. Maybe it just wanted out of the box. For the last few days I just dropped it in the corner of the room and left it there. But it has been really quiet.  So this morning I woke up with this urge to play it. I don't know why I had that urge. I just did. So after breakfast I went over to the box and took it out. I have been practicing ukulele barre chords on my new uke. It sounded pretty good but I have to admit, the old uke sounded way better. It just has this certain tone. This character that I cannot explain. 

I then began to practice my Here Comes The Sun Ukulele lesson that I found online. Still no shenanigans. I am wondering if I am out of the woods now. Maybe the ukulele just wants a home. Just wants to be loved. Maybe all those weird things were it calling out for attention. Maybe.

So far so good.

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