Thursday, November 3, 2016


I give up, man. I am at the end o my rope.

So someone saw this blog and reached out to me and asked me if I would be willing to sell the haunted ukulele. I said HELL YES.  I asked him if he knew that it was a little... "off" ya know? He said he was aware of it and that he is into collecting haunted items. I told him that I would gladly GIVE him the ukulele at no charge. I told him to email me his address and I would put it int he mail this weekend.,

So last night I had this really really horrible dream. I was boxing up the ukulele and getting ready to walk ouyt the door to go to the post office. The front door was gone. I looked all over the house for a way to get out and there was none. No doors. No windows. No way out. All of a sudden I hear something I heard when I first got it. It sounded like the Somewhere Over The Rainbow ukulele chords, but out of tune and eerie.

The feeling of dread started engulfing my body and I started to panic. I dropped the ukulele and ran all over the house, desperate to find a way out. The eerie playing getting louder and louder. And then I hear laughing.

I wake up screaming.

I knew right there and then that it won't let me go. It was determined to stay in my life. The weekend passed and I never made it to the post office. The man contacted me again but I haven't responded yet. Maybe it is for the best. I don't want to put someone else in this position. Yes I know he collects haunted items but I don't think he knows what he will be getting into with this ukulele.

I'm stuck.

online ukulele lessons

teach yourself ukulele

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